The Melanin Pearls Podcast

Self-Care: How and Where to Start

Episode Summary

Part 2 of the self-care theme where we welcome back our special guest, Dr. Jamie Lauren DSW, LCSW, as she shares why operating on "auto-pilot" and engaging in mind numbing behaviors keeps us from truly knowing what we need and the boundaries required to ensure we get what we need. By the end of this episode you’ll have tips on how and where to start your self-care journey. “A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life.” - Andrew Matthewsour

Episode Notes

During this episode, Jamie Lauren, DSW, LCSW keeps it real and explains why people are more comfortable investing in mind numbing activities and operating on auto-pilot than taking the time to determine what they truly need and setting the boundaries to ensure they get it. Dr. Lauren shares tips on how and where to start your personal self-care journey.

Dr. Lauren provided a lot of resources to help you get started on your personal self-care journey. Go to the Resources section of The Melanin Pearls website for a complete listing.

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