The Melanin Pearls Podcast

Unlocking Your Potential

Episode Summary

Do you know what it means to “unlock your potential?” Better yet, do you even how to do it? In this episode, Yvette and Ericka share tips and actions you can take to unlock your potential by finding your WHY and resources to help you live it. “First, it is essential to determine precisely what you want to achieve. Just wanting to be “successful” is too general.” ― Derric Yuh Ndim

Episode Notes

During this episode, Yvette and Ericka discuss what it means to unlock your potential from defining potential and sharing a few ways as how you can identify your potential and actions to take to unlock it. 

Here are 5 things you can do to start the first step of unlocking your potential journey:

(1) Focus on your strengths

(2) Focus on today because yesterday ended last night. It doesn’t matter if it was good or bad – don’t’ get stuck there

(3) Focus on your priorities by protecting your time and calendar

(4) Focus on your results; remember the 3 questions Yvette asks herself every day. What am I working toward? Why am I trying to achieve it? Why does it matter?

(5) Focus on your contribution to the world, because the best version of yourself will emerge when YOU decide to use your potential to make the world a better place.